Macedonian Association of Metal and Electrical Industry MAMEI Macedonian Association of Metal and Electrical Industry MAMEI

Šalis: Makedonija

Informacija kontaktams

Macedonian Association of Metal and Electrical Industry MAMEI
Adresas:: Crvena Voda 8/14
Miestas: Skopje
Pašto kodas: 1000
Telefonas: 00 389 (0)2 3121 907
Faksas: 00 389 (0)2 3121 907


The Macedonian Association of Metal and Electrical Industry MAMEI is a professional organization that represents the interest of the Macedonian metal-machining and electrical production companies. We provide services to both Macedonian producers and interested buyers for successful B2B matching and development.

Informacija atnaujinta: 2014-11-19 17:05:27