Shivam Enterprises

Šalis: Vokietija

Informacija kontaktams

Shivam Enterprises
Adresas:: lindenstrasse104
Miestas: krefeld
Pašto kodas: 44798
Telefonas: 017642081274


Dear Sir/Madam,

Shivam Enterprises, located in one of the top trading cities of the World (Navi Mumbai) is one of the leading importers of cranes and scrap metal. Esablished in the year 2010, Shivam Enterprises has witnessed continuous growth under the leadership of our young and dynamic managing director, Mr. K Rajesh. We as a company believe in on-time business delivery and quality products.

I, Abhishek Pegada, am currently responsible for Business Developement/Supplier Development/Strategy Development at Shivam Enterprises. We as a company have witnessed constant increase in scrap metal demand over the past few years. Therefore, we are currently expanding and shifting our supplier base towards Europe to procure better quality products in large quantities. We have a demand for HMS 1&2 and Stainless Steel 304/316 scrap.

We believe in establishing long term relationship which will benefit both the organizations.

Thank you

Informacija atnaujinta: 2018-02-13 17:20:14