Šalis: Kamerūnas

Informacija kontaktams

Adresas:: Batouri, East Region, Cameroon
Miestas: Batouri
Pašto kodas: 00237
Telefonas: 00237671726092


Batouri Minerals is an indigenous mining company operating in Cameroon. It is mainly focused on mining and exportation of gold and rough diamond. It was formed in 1996 as a family business, which comprised by then of a few family members, who were mostly miners and farmers. Since then it has grown into a large indigenous mining company that mine and export gold and rough diamond to both local and international markets. Batouri Minerals has over 600 miners working in their various mining sites in Batouri, East Region, Cameroon. Our conditions of transaction are unique and incomparable and we export gold and diamond to any destination. We have Gold Bars , Gold nuggets , Gold dust and rough uncut Diamond for sale.

Informacija atnaujinta: 2017-10-21 17:57:30